4. 疑惑追问
Just to clarify,... 我想确认一下...
May I ask a follow-up question? 我能就你说的问个问题吗?
Could you say more (about it)? 你能多解释一下吗?
Could you elaborate on this? 你能详细解释一下吗?
5. 会议报告、演讲之后提问
That's an amazing model/useful concept, but it occurred to me that [this/something] might also play a role....Have you considered ...?
Thanks for your talk. I #pletely agree with your conclusion, but as I'm sure you're aware, Dr. XX explains this in a different way, and I was wondering if you could address her theory.
"but as I'm sure you're aware"完全是给对方一个台阶下,可能那个理论他根本没有考虑过。但是如果对方是比较资深的,我们也需要客套一下。
6. 寻求帮助
I was wondering if I could talk to you about...
I was hoping that if I could talk to you about...
I was wondering if it'd be possible that you...
这种句式一般都是用过去时,在email里面也是如此。而且,虽然was wondering/hoping这种进行时看起来很怪,但是用法就是这样子的
Sorry to bother you, Professor X.... XX教授,抱歉打扰您。
I realize this is an unusual request... 我知道这样的要求有些不合常理。
I realize that you are very busy... 我知道您很忙。
Thanks for your time.谢谢您抽出宝贵时间。
Thanks in advance for your help.先谢谢您的帮助