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作者:城市网 来源:城市网学院 更新日期:2013-9-2
    例:It's a better way of education. 条件词:It is a good way of education;if.... At...When...都是if的同义转换。
    18. Echo location in this article means the _____.根据顺序原则定位在第三段。
    A) location of echoes
    B) ability to determine where an echo #es from
    C) scientific term for sound waves
    D) ability to locate unseen objects by echoes
    To appreciate the precision of the bats' echo location, we must first consider the degree of their reliance upon it. Thanks to sonar, an insect-eating bat can get along perfectly well without eyesight. This was brilliantly demonstrated by the Italian naturalist Lazzaro Spallanzani. He caught some bats in a bell tower, blinded them. and released them outdoors. Four of these blind bats were recaptured after they
    had found their ways back to the bell tower, and on examining their stomachs' contents, Spallanxani found that they had been able to capture and eat flying insects. We know from experiments that bats easily find insects in the dark of night, even when the insects make no sound that can be heard by human ears. A bat will catch hundreds of softbodied silent flying insects in a single hour. It will even detect and chase pebbles (卵石) tossed (向上扔)into the air.
    Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:
    31. When a consumer finds that his purchase has a fault in it, the first thing he should do is to ________
    A) #plain personally to the manager
    B) threaten to take the matter to court
    C) write a firm letter of #plaint to the store of purchase
    D) show some written proof of the purchase to the store
    32. If a consumer wants a quick settlement of his problem, it's better to #plain to ________.
    A) a shop assistant
    B) the manufacturer
    C) the store manager
    D) a public organization
    33. The most effective #plaint can be made by _________.
    A) showing the faulty item to the manufacturer
    B) explaining exactly what is wrong with the item
    C) saying firmly that the item is of poor quality
    D) asking politely to change the item
    34. The phrase "live up to"(Para. 1, Line 2) in the context means ________.
    A) meet the standard of
    B) realize the purpose of
    C) fulfill the demands of
    D) keep the promise of
    35. The passage tells us _________.
    A) how to settle a consumer' s #plaint about a faulty item
    B) how to make an effective #plaint about a faulty item
    C) how to avoid buying a faulty item
    D) how to deal with #plaints from customers
    When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to the manufacturer's claim for it, the first step is to present the warranty(保单), or any other records which might help, at the store of purchase. In most cases, this action will produce results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction.
    注:1.present v. 提交
    A simple and #mon method used by many consumers is to #plain directly to the store manager. In general, the "higher up" the consumer takes his or her #plaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer' s favor, assuming he or she has a just claim.
    注:the more...the more... 比较结构,可以跟32题联系在一起。
    Consumers should #plain in person whenever possible, but if they cannot get to the place of purchase, it is acceptable to phone or write the #plaint in a letter.

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大学英语四级精讲班 严邵阳 56 试听 报名 200元



四级425速成--听力 欧 文 8 试听 报名 80元
四级425速成--阅读 欧 文 14 试听 报名 90元
四级425速成--综合 欧 文 13 试听 报名 80元
四级425速成--写作 欧 文 16 试听 报名 90元
四级经典历年真题 欧 文 10 试听 报名 80元

课程名称 老师 课时 试听 报名 学费 有效期
大学英语六级听力 齐方炜 7 试听 报名 100元



大学英语六级阅读 齐方炜 7 试听 报名 100元
大学英语六级写作 欧 文 14 试听 报名 100元
大学英语六级新题型 欧 文 15 试听 报名 100元
大学英语六级词汇 欧 文 15 试听 报名 100元
大学英语六级模拟题 欧 文 5(赠) 报名 50元

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