act of God 不可抗力, 天灾, 亦作 force majeure.
例1. Private householders or businessmen insure against burglary, loss or damage by vandalism or "acts of God".
例2. The insurance policy does not cover acts of God.
actuals 实际数字(相对于估计的数目)
例: These are the actuals for last year's turnover.
actuary 精算师(受雇于保险公司或退休基金公司,根据死亡率和意外事故、火灾、盗窃等的可能性,估计保险风险和费用)
例:Actuaries spend their time working out whether or not an accident will happen and how much it will cost if it does.
adaptation 重新打造以适应本土化
例1:Adaptation may need to be made in branding, labeling, and packaging of the product.
例2:Potential risk refers to the level of adaptation required to enter foreign markets.
added value 增加值,增值
例:An important aspect of marketing goods like CD players and televisions is possible added value, such as free videos or CDs.
addition (某一产品系列中的)新增产品
例:The KR 700 is the latest addition to our range of fax machines.
Additional Benefit Funding 附加福利基金(专款)
例:You will be able to use as much as you like of your Additional Benefit Funding to "buy" benefits.
add-on 附加装置(可以是硬件或软件,目的为改进或增加功能),附加部分,亦作add-in
例1:It's better to use a computer with add-on/in.
例2:Various add-ons/ins can be purchased to increase the output of the machine.